Over recent years World Book Day has perhaps earned a negative reputation with parents who find themselves having to spend the best part of their weekend crafting, or spending a significant sum to produce a costume for their child to wear to school or nursery in aid of the event. However at SenseStory we are big fans of the event, and not just because we love dress up (which we do), but it is so much more than this.
World Book Day is a Charity that aims to promote reading for pleasure by offering every child and young person the opportunity to have a book of their own. It recognises reading for pleasure as the single biggest indicator of a child’s future success, yes you read that right, more so than their family circumstances or their parent’s educational background or income. Their mission aligns closely with our own desire to inspire a love of story from a young age, which will hopefully develop into a love of reading for pleasure which your little ones will carry forward with them contributing to their own successful futures!
So remember on World Book Day it doesn’t matter what your child is wearing, but more so what has inspired them. Use World Book Day to prompt discussions about their favourite books, what did they enjoy about them, and help them to recognise the joy they get from reading.